Let's face it, kids are not a good investment! For the amount of time and money you put into birthing, clothing, educating, feeding and caring for a child, you only get an emotional return and sometimes it's a negative return.
There are many people who find themselves financially strapped because of children and unable to provide for them, and yes, there are those who wish they would NOT have had children, had they known the expenses, be they financial, mental, physical or emotional.
For many people, the financial aspect is not fully explored when children come into the picture. Considering 50% of pregnancies are unplanned, that means 50% of parents have not fully considered the costs it will take to raise their child. And this affect not only the children, but the community at large. The more children that can't be properly raised, the more it affects the government, at both local and federal levels. Every child should have a happy, safe and healthy upbringing, so it's important that our schools TEACH the future adults about the true costs of becoming a parent. Ignorance is not always bliss.
We live in a society that glorifies pregnancy with nude pregnant celebrities on magazine covers but celebrities don't lack the funds to raise their children. There are television shows called "16 & Pregnant", "19 & Counting" "Kate Plus Eight", and all the gazillion baby shows on Lifetime and TLC and whatever other station you can find, but these people also get compensated for their fifteen minutes of fame.
When 75%-80% of women become mothers, we need to make sure they are properly aware of all of the costs they will incur. Most women will forge ahead if they truly want to be mothers, but it may be eye-opening and helpful for both future-mothers and those who forgo.
I, for one, know I will not be spending $250K on raising children and I'm thrilled! Remember, research your investments and follow your heart! ;) On a related note: my renewed passport should be returning in a couple weeks! Woo!
I recently heard with the cost of college is rising so fast, most parents are advised not to save for their kids' education at all because not only will they never have enough but they can take out a loan for school but not for retirement.