Tuesday, December 6, 2011

TV Review: How I Met Your Mother "Symphony of Illumination"

All the things you get to do when you're not pregnant.

Tonight, "How I Met Your Mother," a sitcom that has spent six seasons building up the identity of the mother of Ted Mosby's children finally stepped away from focusing on Ted and got into the mind of one of the female characters for a change. And for once, the show that is so focused on settling down and having kids as the aim of life showed the child-free side in a realistic and even a little touching way.

If you haven't seen the show, the woman pictured above is Robin Scherbatsky, a TV journalist, who has always been vocal about the fact that she doesn't want kids. As Mosby's first serious love-interest in the show, the kids or no-kids issue was a deal breaker. Robin wanted to continue chasing her dream of being a journalist, traveling, and remaining free and independent.

So tonight's episode threw her a loop. Robin learned that she might be pregnant, and pregnant by none other than the show's lovable lothario Barney (Neil Patrick Harris- seriously, I am trying to make sure any non-HIMYM viewers follow me here!)

Barney takes this in a very uncharacteristically positive way, and goes from "commitment is something you tell girls you want so you can sleep with them" to "yay, we're going to have a baby" in a span of 10 seconds. And he tries to take Robin with him, dragging her to baby stores to convince her that having offspring would be fun.

Thankfully, the show brought Robin back to her principles. While baby-shopping with their pregnant friend Lily, Robin and Barney are confronted by all the terrors of pregnancy and child-rearing- tired parents, out-of-control kids, nipples cracking from breast-feeding- you get the idea. And when a doctor confirms that Robin is not pregnant, she and Barney do a happy dance of relief and joy.

But then the doctor brings on some more news: Robin isn't pregnant because Robin can't get pregnant. This suddenly puts a down note on what was otherwise a great episode on how not every accidental pregnancy is a joy. Instead of taking this news with relief that she won't have to worry about scares like this in the future, Robin becomes disheartened. She talks about how she wanted to be able to have the option later if she chose; suddenly she is stricken with regret over something she never wanted to begin with.

I know many CF people who would identify with Robin in this episode. They don't want children for many reasons, but they've never wanted to take away the option. It's an argument many child-free people run into in their lives. "Won't you change your mind?"

And truthfully, some CFers do. But they've thought very seriously about the challenges of having children and have taken the time to decide that is was right for them. The infertility news doesn't spur Robin to have IVF and get pregnant at any cost, but she mourns the loss of being able to change her mind.

But ultimately, she remembers why she chose not to have children- because it was not what she wanted out of life.

In the end, the episode wraps with Ted telling his future children about all the wonderful things their "Aunt Robin" accomplished- traveling, famous TV journalist, even a bullfighter- but most importantly "kids, there was one thing Aunt Robin never was: lonely."

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Child-free Family: Yes, We Have Families.

That time of year is upon us. Collectively known as "the holiday season" in the next six weeks we will be bombarded by Christmas ads, turkey dinners, travel, decorations, etc. that of course all come back to the family as the central part of the celebration.

(Sorry, Hanukkah, I know you're a big family-centric holiday too. Unfortunately, you don't get nearly the ad revenue that Christmas does.)

Every commercial, every film, every billboard shows big family gatherings, putting particular emphasis on toys for the kids, the kids' table at Thanksgiving- in other words the presence of children seem to be the definition of family. Don't have them? That means you won't have a true Thanksgiving or Christmas this year.

That's the argument that many of my more reproductive-minded acquaintances make. The common definition of a "normal family" is that of the nuclear family unit- two parents and children. The holidays and their advertised tradition of such a family makes the reproductive-minded turn to the child-free and say so pityingly, "You must be so lonely over the holidays- no family and all."

Newsflash: the child-free have families! We have large families!

I, for example, come from a large family. I have multiple siblings, some of whom have married, and a multitude of aunts, uncles, cousins, cousins' spouses, cousins' kids, second cousins, cousins-once-removed, great-aunts, grandparents, godparents and a few more friends of the family that are included in every family holiday and special occasion. I used to note how many new relatives I met at every one of my father's Thanksgivings. There was always a new second cousin, third cousin, father's cousin's second wife's father. As I write my family is currently planning how to get 15 to 17 of us into a cabin for Christmas, ages ranging from 2 to 96.

The assumption that family means having children is harmful not just to the child-free community but to an entire extended family. By not having children we actually have more time to spend with the family unit we were born into. We have our parents, our aunts, uncles, grandparents (for those lucky enough to still have their grandparents), and our siblings whom we spend the holidays with.

"But don't you want kids of your own to play Santa with? Don't you want to see them open Christmas presents, play tug-o-war with the wishbone at Thanksgiving?"

NO. You know how much stress parents have to deal with over the holidays? Cook a fantastic Thanksgiving feast with picky-eating children, or with children underfoot in the kitchen. Buying all the toys and gifts they want? EXPENSIVE.

And, despite popular belief, we do have children in our families. We have nieces, nephews, godchildren, and cousins' offspring aplenty to get the kid festivities of Christmas if we choose. (Note: we don't have to try and put them to bed on New Year's Eve so we can ring in the new year! Happy New Year to us! hahahaha!)

And that's just family that's blood. Our families also include our friends, neighbors- people whom we bring into our lives who are not our blood but who still become our family.

Being child-free (and for some of us unmarried, but more on that topic another time) we don't have to split holidays with spouses' families if we don't choose, just so people can see our children. Feel like saying "screw Christmas, we're going skiing in Switzerland this year"? We can, because we don't have kids whom are relying upon us to provide all the trimmings of the traditional holiday.

The child-free person's holidays are far from lonely, but in fact are free to devote as much time to a wider family than those who see the nuclear family as the only true family.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Duggars: Clown Car vs. Ruckers: Fostering Heroes

By now, we have all heard that the Duggars are expecting Child #20. Personally, this sickens me. I will admit I am not a fan of organized religion, especially when it includes mistakenly justifying the overpopulation of the Earth. (We are over 7 billion people for anyone who's counting.) I've tried to ignore this family and their show and what they stand for (using religion as an excuse to shirk 'family planning' based on technology... or at least using a freaking condom once in a while) but if you are interested in this frighteningly abnormal family, check out the link above. Also check out this article that claims that Michelle Duggar is technically a feminist because she made a life choice that makes her happy. Oh and this book that supposedly tells you that you are mistaken if you think having kids is expensive, cuz it's not and having kids is LOADS of fun. For those of you not following the link, the book is called "Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids: Why Being a Great Parent is Less Work and More Fun Than You Think" by Bryan Caplan. The 'great' thing about this book (that I have NOT read) is that it openly lists the reasons as being SELFISH. At least, they admit it. But unfortunately they act as if it's a good thing to be 'selfish' and disregard your perceptions about using finances as a valid reason to abstain from (more) children.

Here's the thing. I don't personally want children but my wish is that more people educate themselves about this CHOICE that will have THE biggest effect on their lives more so than anything else they will ever do. Having kids is the one thing that you cannot 'undo'. You can get a divorce, you can change jobs, you can move cities but you cannot un-have children. 

Maybe the Duggars are good people. Even though I don't agree with their religion and their reasoning for having children, they are providing a safe, loving home for their oodles of kids. (Although the kids can't possibly get the amount of parental attention they would like... especially since child-rearing duties are passed on to the other kids.) The kids are growing up with a set of morals (the religious background scares me - I can almost guarantee that an atheist never uses 'natural family planning') and they seem to be happy, positive people. Even though I don't agree with their religion or lifestyle, I can't help thinking what if the Duggars would have adopted 20 children? Now, it's possible that no adoption agency would place more kids in their crowded home but if the Duggars really have so much love to give, why couldn't they have cared for some of the other children on this Earth? They believe that children are a gift from God but their actions seem to say that it's only your genetic children. And this seems to be the mainstream attitude. And this really, really makes me sad. 

Even though I don't want to spend my life in a caretaker role to children, I applaud those that open their hearts and homes to children who really need parents. I'm talking about those people who foster or adopt children that are not biologically their own. People like the Ruckers who have fostered over 45 children within 7 years. <----- Video available at the link. Another, shorter video available below.

I know the fostering system isn't perfect and there are abusive people who take advantage of the fostering system because of the stipend BUT people like this couple make my heart swell. People who are able to do this make me feel so much better about the world and so thankful for these loving, wonderful people.

But then I remember how much people are drawn to starting their 'own' family. When we don't stop and question the norms, we don't always reach our highest potential. Many times people do the 'marriage and kids' thing because it is just what people do. I always encourage people to really get in tune with what makes them happy, whether it's children or not, to really understand and explore what it is they want.

In my life, I understand the responsibilities and lifestyle changes that accompany having children. When I listen to myself and understand my calling and where my life is leading me, I can tell that having children isn't for me. And I can't change that, as much as I can't change the fact that I'm not called to be a doctor. Were my life's motivation to change drastically (not likely), I hope that I would have the strength to foster children. I don't have the urge to birth children and I honestly don't like the baby years. I like kids who are more dependent (i.e. potty trained!) so the leap to being a foster parent would make sense, were it to be what I want. But, it's not. And I can't change that. But it doesn't stop me from wanting so badly for children in foster care to find the loving homes they deserve.

Wanting a childfree life for myself does not mean I want children to suffer. It helps me see the world from a different viewpoint. I see thousands of children in every nation that suffer from lack of a loving home environment in which to grow into strong, happy people who can do great things. I can't imagine what it must be like to grow up feeling inadequate because their biological parents were unable to care for them (hence needing to promote more options and education on contraception!). I can't imagine what these children must feel and it breaks my heart. I was born into a two parent home and had all of my needs met so I can easily follow my dreams and make something of myself. But these children in foster care, despite any of the problems they may carry around with them, are no 'worse' than any children a couple may biologically have. There are no guarantees in life. People are inclined to have their own children because a) it happens b) they want to see what their kids would look like c) they want a fairy tale family. So do these kids.

If anyone happens to be reading this blog, anyone who actually isn't childfree, PLEASE ask yourself if you have room in your heart and in your home to reconsider fostering children. Wait, watch the videos below. THEN ask yourself.

The following video is from March 2010, but I'm sure the numbers are still as unsettling.

This next video is from Jan 2010 about a family who did adopt and foster and you can hear the journalist tearing up as he finishes the story.

You might tear up as you watch these kids talk about getting adopted when you see the smiles on their faces.....

Okay, last tearjerker video. From the same series as the one above.

SO... If you live a life in which you want to be a parent, PLEASE open your mind and your heart to the idea of fostering and/or adopting. How much different would our world be if we encouraged people to not only be more responsible for their own reproductive power but to see their own possible power when it comes to the impact on one's community?

If it takes a village to raise a child, why aren't the villagers more concerned? I'm an Auntie for life but I still do my part in the village! What are you being called to do?

Addendum: (11/11/11 at 7:45 am) To clarify, I'm not saying that I look down upon those that have their own birth children but I highly encourage those who wish to add more children to their family really consider adoption and/or fostering as options in their lives.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Going Against the Grain

When you stop and consider how socially revolutionary it is to say 'I don't want kids,' it tends to follow that other societal 'norms' are easier to eschew. On a whole, I guess I've questioned a lot of things.... I don't follow religion, I don't want to buy into real estate and be tied down, I don't see the lure of marriage in my future and I've recently come to terms with not wanting a 'real' job. And at age 26, I'm learning (or at least telling myself) that this is okay. It's slightly scary but also liberating. And I'm quite glad that I've taken the time and been able to make these important choices on what is best for ME rather than cave into the pressures and go down a road (job, house, spouse and kids) that might not be right for me.

In society, across all cultural barriers, humans put pressure on their offspring and their peers to follow the most popular and accepted path but this fails to allow people to customize their lives. You can customize your car, your home, your phone, your computer, even your lawn but we aren't really encouraged to customize our life choices. Sure, you can choose a career but that is one of the identifiers humans put on ourselves. 'I'm a doctor' or 'he's a lawyer' or 'she's a human resources manager'. Many unemployed people feel worthless because they built their identity around a job that they no longer have.

Go to a bar, meet a stranger and they'll ask 'What do you do?'. This question is one of my pet peeves. I'm not at a bar to talk about work. (I'm usually at a bar to forget about work!) My work doesn't define me and frankly, explaining the 2.5 jobs I do to make ends meet will bore you AND me, so please don't ask!

I was recently thinking of creating a 'State of the Union Address' for my girlfriends so they could see where I stand on big issues right now (since we don't talk as often as we used to) but I might as well share it here. After all, for those child-minded, they may like to see the thoughts of one childfree mind. (I speak only for myself.)
  • Religion: I find religion to be disconcerting, not because it challenges you to hold your behavior to a higher standard but because it is run by fallible humans who claim to have divinely inspired knowledge about events or phenomena outside of our comprehension (or era) while simultaneously trying to fit humans into little boxes that restrict activities for sometimes very bizarre reasons. I do believe in a spiritual connection and power but it seems a waste of time to worry on the details.
  • Politics: Ugh. A dirty system meant to benefit the people in office and those that bribe them. I have little faith in the political system. It and religion are more linked than they should be.
  • Romance: After going on a couple dates with compatible Childfree males, I had to listen to myself and realize, I may actually be a 'single-minded' person. I'm more inclined to stay home and work on my projects that make me happy than to foster a relationship with just one other person. I've spent the majority of my life single and happy and I'll be fine if I stay that way. Finding another person is such a pressure on most people that they lose focus on just exploring their own personality and being happy in their own skin. I'm also not sure I understand the concept of 'forever'. Since I don't have kids and won't have any in my future, I would be able to cut myself off from exes a heck of a lot easier than those who procreate. Thank goodness! Again, relationships are just one of those things that people are pressured into sometimes without thinking about it. Once I actually considered it and realized what I was leaning towards, I discovered I may be a lone agent but it still makes me happy. (But I'll add the cliché: 'Who knows what the future holds?')
  • Career: No career path and okay with that. This is one of the most recent revelations I've had. I had an opportunity at my workplace to double my money and quadruple my workload. Luckily, it took them three weeks to post that position and in that ample time, I was my usual 'pendulum' self, going back and forth on my decision-making process, polling people and picking out nice apartments I could afford without going over the 'no more than 30% of your income goes toward housing' rule. After really mulling over what I want in my life, really searching deep inside my true self, I decided that the more intense job would give me undesired stress in something I really had no interest in doing. It would also drain me of energy needed for my more important projects I do at home. These projects are what I eventually want to receive money for doing so it makes no sense to put money at the forefront if it pushes my desires to the backburner. THIS is a huge step for me. I'm able to make enough money at an unchallenging job in order to do the things I want to do and THAT is fine. 
It's difficult because society tells me that I should want more money and a better job. But that is so overwhelming! And silly! Look at it this way.... if I have 80 years of life, these 80 years are full of unknown events and people that affect the course my life will take. So to sit here and say, 'By this age, I'm going to do this and this age, I'll have done this' is so very futile. I have very little control over the world and just as I don't want to waste time on religious details, I don't want to waste time plotting out supposed events in my unpredictable future.

This doesn't mean that I have no aspirations in life and that I'm just floating around. On the contrary! My life, when not working for money or sleeping, is spent pursuing many activities that give me fulfillment: volunteering, writing, making music, watching movies, dancing, spending time with family and friends, traveling, taking photos, learning languages, making art, performing, etc. (Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can find something to occupy the time that won't be spent raising children!) I work on these things in hopes that I am preparing myself for future opportunities that will allow me to leave my humdrum jobs and use these talents to make money. At this point in my life, I just need to make money. Besides being creative and entertaining, there isn't a certain 'career' that calls out to me. I just had to come to terms with that because that is how I am wired and that is where I am in life at this point. (No quarter-life crisis necessary. PASS!)

I don't condemn people that truly want a family or really enjoy a certain career path. My focus is on promoting choices. If you choose employment or a career, children or childfree, a planted home or an RV, a religion or reason, make sure it is something you feel deep inside your bones, your flesh, your very being. There is no one way to live, no one route to happiness.

I may not know what the next 60+(?) years of my life hold in store but I will do my best every day to be glad for each passing moment, month, and year that I'm allowed to learn and grow as a person in the adventure that only I can live! Best wishes to you on your adventure!

*Remember you either get older or you die, so quit your complaining!*

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

"Never Say Never"

Recently, via social media, I asked a drag queen (one of my favorite entertainers) if he thought he would ever have kids and he said "probably not but you can never say never". Maybe he meant he couldn't say 'never' and that is his right. Some people may not see children as a part of their lives but could be open to it 'should the stars align'. More power to 'em on their life adventures! (And may they be prepared!)

But for those of us who have thought long and hard about the decision to procreate/raise children, we can say 'never'.  For me:
I will never be President of the USA.
I will never be a marine biologist.
I will never be a doctor.
I will never climb Mount Everest in the buff.
I will never procreate/have children.

Of course, there is ALWAYS the possibility that I may be put in a mother role, due to unforeseen circumstances that I don't want to imagine. (For me, this does not include dating a man with kids, b/c I feel so strongly about it, that if a man has kids, the dating will not even commence. We all have our standards and if you wouldn't bend your 'no drugs' rule for a drug addict that could be 'the one'.... then don't be surprised if I stick with my guns on the child thing.)

As a female at age 26 (some would say: too young to decide to be CF but not too young to be a mother?!?!), with my experiences of being a child, being a babysitter, being a camp counselor and being an aunt for the past 12 years, I think I have the right to say the word 'never' when it comes to the child decision

Yet there is a stigma that follows this declaration. There is something about humans that when they hear the word 'never' they want to point out to that 'it's possible!!!' Sure, many things are possible. Notice that I didn't say "I will never kill another human being"? Because, technically, it is possible. Of course, I do my best to avoid it but a situation calling for the death of another person could arise, i.e. self-defense. Or someone just really pissing me off. JUST KIDDING!

But humans just want to be right and sometimes that means saying: "You never know".

1) There is no benefit to the person saying this except supposed 'bragging rights' were I to 'change my mind.' Therefore this statement is self-serving and egotistical. It will NOT make me change my mind as it is NOT persuasive and has no bearing on the reality of birthing and raising children.
2) With the amount of technology and knowledge we have, it is very possible to avoid pregnancy altogether, so I'm quite sure I 'know' I won't be having children.
3) Whatever possibilities that may occur in life, it will never change the amount of responsibility that children bring.

This last one is very important. Saying "I'm not having children" is not the same as saying "I'll never move to Texas". Someday, I may move to Texas but it is not an occurrence that comes with a lifetime of responsibility or change.

Sometimes, I think 'I could possibly be persuaded to adopt years into the future' but then I remember... in most cases, where the kids come from doesn't affect the amount of work that children bring. Adoption, though less physically demanding than birthing and diapering, (I don't like the baby years) does not prevent me from having to deal with all of the other things that I am trying to avoid by not having children in the first place. In this case, adopting would actually be selfish of me because I would be doing it to feel better about myself, to feel as if I'm helping children out. But I'm not helping them out if I don't actually want to have kids around me 24/7 for the next couple decades.

I counteract this 'impulse' to help other people by volunteering with special needs kids. It leaves me both exhausted (after 3 hours) yet very fulfilled. I can then tackle all of the other life goals I have for myself that factor into my decision to remain Independent of Dependents.

It's similar to a situation I faced recently at work. I could stay at my regular job that had all the perks I enjoyed or I could apply for a job that doubled my pay but would stress me out with quadruple the work-load and many job elements that I am happy to not currently have. I had to fight the impulse of 'but I feel like I should' to really identify what is best for me. And I really am all the happier for it, despite not having the extra money that I wasn't missing anyway.

So, while saying "I never want kids" sounds flippant and therefore deserving of a flippant "Never say never" response, saying 'never' is not flippant when it is actually the end result of a well-thought out decision.

And it is a very important decision that should be respected whether a person chooses something you would or not. I choose to remain Childfree/Independent of Dependents/The Fun Aunt because it is what I truly desire and I know that will give me the space/time/energy to be happy/free/me. But I also need to respect those who have chosen the Children Choice. If I'm not supposed to ask 'Are you sure?' to a woman who says she wants children, I deserve the same respect when stating my desires for my future.

So, if you could 'never' imagine your life without your children, know that I feel just as strongly about 'never' having children. Yeah? So if I say 'never', you better believe it! ;)


EDIT: I forgot to mention that employing the concept of 'never' can have a negative connotation, implying that a person isn't open to the marvelous possibilities of life. But the list of things I'll never do are realities I'm okay with and would rather not do anyway. It's possible to employ the concept of 'never' and keep a positive and realistic view on life and what an individual desires in his or her own unique life. Capiche?

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10 Movies That Will Scare Your Uterus Shut

When people ask me why I don't want children I have a long list of reasons I've remained IOD: no interest in motherhood, want more of my own free time, etc. It's a very long list. I believe I am currently at over 50 reasons I am IOD. But at the top of my list is the idea of having children scares me. I'm talking nightmare-inducing, wake-up-in-a-pool-of-sweat, screaming- for-God-and-mother terrified.

And Hollywood has done its best to pick up on this fear and crank it up to 11 with a litany of movies featuring creepy and demonic children that will make you pray for sterility.

10. Children of the Corn

The children of Gatlin, Nebraska are creepy little mini-humans who prove that a loving close-knit community is no match for kids with corn knives. The kids follow the mysterious "He Who Walks Behind the Rows," a disembodied being who burrows through the fields like an invisible Bugs Bunny. HWWBTR tells their leader, a boy named Isaac with a freakishly high voice and creeptastic face, to kill all the grownups in town. Yeah, the children pick up corn knives, axes, and restaurant cutlery and begin to brutally murder every adult in the county. Having rid themselves of bedtimes, chores, and all other parental punishments, they trash the town with corn cobs and murder two stranded motorists and any child who dares play with a board game. Also, ritualistic suicide upon their 19th birthdays is now tradition.

The Horrifying Point:

Kids are as susceptible to crazy religious dogma as adults, and just because you're bigger than them doesn't mean they can't make your fingers come flying off with a ham slicer.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

The children slaughter every adult inside a cafe on cue.

9. The Good Son

Aw, look, it's Macauley Culkin from Home Alone! He was so cute in that movie. I think I'll go give him a hug- OH MY GOD, HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!

That was essentially the premise of this movie. Macauley Culkin, already famous for being a cute and tenacious home security system, appears to be a good wholesome child. That is until your back is turned and he started a-murdering people. By murdering people I include the following: his baby brother, his kid sister, a neighbor's dog, and oh yeah ABOUT 10 PEOPLE ON THE HIGHWAY.

The Horrifying Point:

We often think of children as being purely innocent, and for all the horrible cliches of this movie, Culkin is not only bloodthirsty but selfish to the point of killing his own mother to get his way.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

Culkin shoots the neighbor's dog for sport.

8. Village of the Damned

Once upon a time, in a sleepy little hamlet, a meteor crashes and magically every woman in the town becomes pregnant. I'll let that creepy point sink in first. Every woman in the town, virgins included, become pregnant simultaneously. And they give birth simultaneously to silver-haired, violet-eyed alien babies. The alien babies become ghastly little children who are also freak-geniuses and telepathic. Their eyes start swirling and everyone does what they want. And they do just what any freaky smart, hive-mind alien children would do with this power- force the adults to off themselves when they get in their way. Eventually the only way to stop the little alienoids is to lock them in a building and blow it sky-high before they leave the village and start taking over other places.

The Horrifying Point:

While the movie was originally made in the 1960s to make a point about vulnerability to invasion by the evil communist Russians intent on taking over democracy, it also shows that while they may be your children raised in your loving care, it does not mean they are anything like you.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

When one of the creepy kids is nearly hit by a car, the fellow creepy kids surround the driver and force him to drive into a brick wall.

7. The Exorcist

Latch-key kid Regan likes to play with Ouiji boards, talking to her friend from beyond. Her working single mom thinks that's just fine. She's a good kid, right? Just playing around? WRONG. Regan gets herself all possessed by a demon, which causes her to thrash around, pee on the carpet, stab herself with a crucifix, and projectile-vomit pea-soup across great distances. When her poor mother has tried everything- doctors, psychiatrists, everything a normal parent watching her child fall apart would do- she gets desperate and turns to the Catholic tradition of exorcism to make her daughter make into a normal functioning member of society. And she does get a cure, but not before throwing priests out of windows and snapping their necks first.

The Horrifying Point:

Okay, so Regan is a teenager not a child, but think about this: every parent, even the best intentioned, has no idea how to handle an out-of-control teenager.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

I won't even describe this one. Just put on the DVD and skip forward to the crucifix stabbing scene. I'm not responsible for your nightmares.

6. Lord of the Flies

Based on the novel that everyone has to read in high school, this is a creepy children movie that is completely absent of adults. Which is actually the point- when a plane crash lands a group of military school boys on a deserted island, they are left to fend for themselves nary an adult left alive after the crash. Ralph, the good kid leader, tries to create order and civilized rules for governing them. Jack is the bigger, badder kid and goes primitive, taking most of the kids with him. It quickly turns into war games between the two camps as the violence escalates. And these kids do freaky stuff. One goes mad and starts worshiping a rotting boar's head. But eventually the boys turn to murder.

The Horrifying Point:

I'd like to point out that there was nothing wrong with these kids before they crashed. Nothing. Golding intended his novel to demonstrate that once the laws governing society crumble, care and compassion crumble too. But watching the film shows that kids without adult supervision are capable of the worst cruelties.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

The wild boys kill Piggy, a chubby helpless boy, for his glasses so they can start fires.

5. The Brood

Oh Cronenberg, how you love to creep us out. And this thriller goes straight to the ovaries. A psychologist who specializes in "psychoplasmics," a completely made up study in physical manifestations of anger, is treating a man's wife for her "condition." Simultaneously, there are lots of murders and mischief committed by enraged midgets, all wearing the same red hoodies and all with the same face full of ugly. It turns out the psycho psychologist (say that five times fast) has gotten a whole new result from his patient- she pops these demented toddlers off her body like spores. And she kind of likes it.

The Horrifying Point:
I could write a whole term paper on what this movie says about femininity, childbearing, and the role of motherhood. But the point is, unlike Village of the Damned, sometimes children can become the worst manifestations of their parents.

Uterus Shutting Moment:
The wife lifts up her robe to reveal her latest, uh, spawn. Please watch with caution. You might vomit.

4. Pet Sematary

Dead things should stay dead, and that includes children. But when the Creed family moves to Maine they find a convenient loophole to that rule. The pet cemetery by their house is special. Bury dead things in it, and they come back to life. So when their little son Gage is run over by a truck, Louis Creed takes the boy to the cemetery and poof! The boy comes back! But he comes back a viciously evil little version of himself. He's the most terrifying little boy you ever hope to meet, especially once he grabs daddy's scalpel. He goes on his merry way stabbing his mommy and the neighbor before attacking daddy, who has to put him down with a shot of morphine.

The Horrifying Point:
In desperation, parents will do anything to help their children but even taking the greatest intentions and hopes means that they risk doing even greater harm to their offspring.

Uterus Shutting Moment:
Gage comes toddling home to mommy and then stabs her in the eye. So much for a mother's love.

3. The Orphanage (Spanish: El Orfanato)

Ah, I've gotten to ghost children now! This movie starts out sweetly enough. Our heroine Laura grew up in an orphanage, where she played with her other orphan friends until she was adopted and left them all behind. Now an adult, she and her husband have dedicated their lives to helping other children. They've adopted a son with HIV, and now they've bought her orphanage childhood home to take in disabled children. Sounds good and kind-hearted, right? Well dead children aren't interested in humanitarian good deeds. Ghosts begin talking to her son and turning him against his mother. The ghost children cause a little havoc and steal Simon away from his parents, and Laura is forced to accept that she failed to protect her own child. I won't give away the ending, but it is both poignant and terrifying.

The Horrifying Point:

This is a movie that really strikes at the fear deep in every parent's heart: fear of their child going missing. The responsibility and guilt that comes with caring for children can cause reckless mistakes with deadly consequences, and no amount of love in the world can bring back a dead kid.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

Watch Laura run around with a snapped ankle and broken fingers screaming for her child and try to stifle the shivers running down your spine.

2. The Omen

Some days parents are convinced that their little darling may in fact be the spawn of Satan, and in this movie it's true. Damien, dear little Damien, was given to Ambassador Thorn and his wife when their own child is a stillborn. Dear little Damien starts exhibiting some creepy behaviors as a child. His nanny hangs herself. A priest ends up speared to death. So dear little Damien needs to be disposed of, but not so fast- people die protecting dear Damien, and he survives to fulfill his anti-Christ purpose. Like you do.

The Horrifying Point:

Evil may be something we are born into, not raised to be. What's more horrifying for Mr. Thorn is that once he learns the truth about his child's origin, no one else believes that his choice as a parent (which is killing his son for the good of mankind) is the right thing to do.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

Take a look at Damien's face at the end of the movie and tell me you still think he's adorable.

1. Rosemary's Baby

This movie sums up so many deep-seated fears about pregnancy. Innocent little Rosemary from Omaha has come to NYC with her husband, who sells her to the Devil as a baby incubator. She's drugged, raped by the Devil, and wakes up with bruises and scratches unable to remember any of the encounter. And joy! She's pregnant! But her pregnancy doesn't fill her with the happiness she thought it would. She's in pain, weak, and she doesn't feel the same connection to her fetus that she thought she should. She's chided by her doctor, her husband, her neighbors as being just a silly pregnant woman. You never actually see the baby, but in the end, Rosemary accepts her little hellspawn and goes about feeding it.

The Horrifying Point:

Apart from the fact that Rosemary is drugged, raped, and forced to carry the pregnancy, this movie is about the terror underlying pregnancy and motherhood. Your body morphs and reshapes itself, doing stranger and stranger things, all while you are completely unaware of who the person you are carrying will turn out to be.

Uterus Shutting Moment:

ALL OF IT. But seriously, revisit the drugged up rape scene if you want a good nightmare tonight.

So, fellow child-free friends, this Halloween when you're asked if you can't wait to have your own brood to take trick-or-treating, show them this list and wait for the sound of reproductive systems grinding to a halt.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

A Childfree World?

     The interesting thing that I hear some non-Childfree/Independent of Dependent (CF/IOD) people indicate is that NOT replenishing our population is a BAD thing. With the world population set to surpass 7 BILLION people I fail to see what is so important about upkeeping these staggering numbers. A good number of the global population does not have access to clean water, sufficient food or health care and these are people who will be procreating for not utilizing contraception.
     The above article states:
 "Over the next forty years, nearly all (97%) of the 2.3 billion projected increase will be in the less developed regions, with nearly half (49%) in Africa. By contrast, the populations of more developed countries will remain flat, but will age, with fewer working-age adults to support retirees living on social pensions."
The argument I have heard is related to that last fact about less working-age people in developed countries. The article also points out:
"Although the issues immediately confronting developing countries are different from those facing the rich countries, in a globalized world demographic challenges anywhere are demographic challenges everywhere," said Bloom.
     So while it may be tempting to turn a blind eye to areas like Africa, you can see from the data that it will be responsible for half of the world's expected growth. In my personal factless opinion, (yes, I'm basing this off my perceived knowledge and would be interested to see solid research)... one of the reasons the African continent is affected by staggering numbers of HIV and pregnancies (and therefore orphaned children with HIV) is because of religious missionaries (Catholic? Christian?) that condemn the use of contraception. It creates a disconnect for the people in their daily lives. I do know of a friend that was working with the Peace Corps in Niger and was involved in a group instructing women about their personal health and contraception and from what I know, my friend was touched by how well-spoken these women were and how they took hold of the knowledge given to them.
    That project is very much in line with Bloom's call to action in the above article:
"We have to tackle some tough issues ranging from the unmet need for contraception among hundreds of millions of women and the huge knowledge-action gaps we see in the area of child survival, to the reform of retirement policy and the development of global immigration policy. It's just plain irresponsible to sit by idly while humankind experiences full force the perils of demographic change.""
 To me, it is foolish to think that as a population we need to keep procreating in order to 'meet our needs'. There needs to be restructuring in many areas to accommodate for the population be it larger or smaller.

Sometimes I wonder if those against contraception are afraid that the film "Children of Men"  from 2006 will become a reality. The film's summary: In 2027, in a chaotic world in which humans can no longer procreate, a former activist agrees to help transport a miraculously pregnant woman to a sanctuary at sea, where her child's birth may help scientists save the future of humankind. Yeah, this isn't likely to happen. But the fatalists that are against the use of birth control seem to think it will.

     To me, birth control is a use of technology that allows people to be more responsible in choosing if and when to bring more humans into this world. There is an example of this in Brazil.

     Basically, the government subsidizes the cost of birth control in Brazil, leading women to have less children in their families as of late. This can be an important step in breaking the cycle of poverty and preventing children from living without access to basic needs. The article states: "Despite having the most Catholics in the world, 80 percent of Brazilian women of childbearing age are using some form of artificial contraception
      This is very intriguing because the Catholic Church strongly opposes the use of contraception in any form. People are often very susceptible to the ordinances within their religion so for individuals to go against the expectations of a religious institution is very telling. My opinion is that many religions are out of touch with women's rights due to their patriarchal nature. Women are not just here to produce offspring for men but some religions seem to think so. Yes, I suppose many women do want to have children and therefore play into that part of biology but there are those of us who do not feel the biological urge and that is our prerogative. There comes a point in a person's life where they look at their religious upbringing and they look at what they want their life to be and they find an answer.
     Reproduction issues are not just a matter of religion but can have some political basis as well, as we see in China.  China has been known for it's 'one-child policy' which limits the number of children that a couple can have. But there are a growing number of couples or individuals who do not have children in China. This is sometimes for financial reasons or in cases of individuals, for lack of partner (whether by choice or situation). Of course, all the reasons to stay Childfree in Western nations must be true as well throughout the world. 
     At the end of June, this article detailed some reasons that a growing number of U.S. couples are staying childfree. The beginning of August showed that many NYC women are Childfree-minded as well.   From the June article: "...Nearly one in five American women now ends her reproductive years without children, up from one in ten in the 1970s.
      As a childfree woman, this makes me happy. NOT because I hate children and think no one should have them (not true at all) but because these articles and facts show me that not only nationally, but internationally, men and women feel more freedom to follow what they know is right for their lives. With the use of technology and resources, we have access to others like us who support and understand this lifestyle. The propensity to procreate is reaffirmed daily in movies and advertisements and personal lives and interactions with parents who evangelize on the benefits of kids. Parents have all the reinforcement they need in other parents but childfree people need reinforcement as well.
    Childfree people are aware of what children are like. We all have been children, we all have been around children. If you are a responsible parent, we respect your decision as long as you don't force it upon us. My wish is that having children is seen not as 'the next logical step' but as one possible result of a well-thought out decision. I know what is right for me and even if I could be a good parent, if it is not what will make me happiest, it is unkind of people to encourage me to procreate. I never encourage them to get rid of their children with the adage "You'll change your mind" that so many childfree people hear from parents. I hope that with time and discussion, people will be allowed to make a decision and let others enjoy the happy result of theirs. I also hope that more children that need parents will be adopted into loving, caring homes. I am thankful for those people that can open up their hearts and homes to children that are in need in this world. To me, that is a sign of a wonderful parent... to love a child that isn't biologically yours but to love and provide for them as though they are. 
     Nia Vardalos, one of my favorite creative souls in the world, along with her husband, Ian Gomez, adopted a little girl, and is a proponent and a spokeswoman for an organization: Help Us Adopt. Adoption to me is a better option than fertility treatments because instead of spending gobs of money and years on fertility treatments, you could find a blessing in a child that needs you immediately. Humans are the only creatures that go through such lengths to extend our genetic makeup, yet we see videos and news all the time of animals that suckle and care for young that are outside of their species. I have chosen a childfree lifestyle because that is what works for me but I heartily applaud with all my heart and soul the wonderful people who can look past their DNA and/or the desire to birth their own baby and make love for adopted children a part of their lives. Peace.

In case you missed them... articles listed above:

Friday, August 19, 2011

An adventure with Google Images :)

*Note: I'm pretty sure this blog is trying to kill me. This is the second time I've created a post and had it disappear or mostly disappear during the editing process. Le sigh. Moving onward.... to make it bigger and better!!!*

So I found this image above at www.demacho.com and googled it. Found the one below in French that encourages you to just not have kids at all. Yay, Frenchies!

 The following one is a little scary.
 I do approve of the next one... :)

Don't let this last one fool you... That link takes you to a website about infertility and signing a petition to make insurance companies cover fertility treatments...and I quote:  
"Because of the cost of infertility treatment, many couples are being forced into childlessness or a lifetime of debt, just to have a chance to have a child."
I really disagree with this point because it nullifies the option of adoption. Somehow adopting a child isn't seen as noble a cause as giving birth to your own child. Another classy point they state:
"All people deserve to have families, regardless of income, employment, or status."
 Right, so we should encourage people with zero income to procreate because it's their right to have a child? What about the child's right to have their basic needs met? Guess that's not as important, huh?

Here is my favorite picture:

YES!!! I will take the one on the left.  *****The image comes from this article from 2006. READ IT! :)****

Other pictures of note that came from this clothing page.
Here are some of the more 'special' logos you can get on clothing:
^ I'm glad no one in my family is insensitive enough to buy this. Also glad my nephews have cousins on the other side of their family. ;)
This reads: "I Will Be a Mother! Infertility Warrior"
This logo/idea rubs me the wrong way because it makes motherhood into some obsession. I am an adoption advocate. I know there is an appeal to people who want kids to have their own DNA involved but this much emotion makes it seem unstable. You're fighting so hard for this idea when you could adopt a child and begin to love someone who really needs it. It's almost as if there's a disconnect between the idea of motherhood and the reality of it. And that can't be healthy. I know it's simple for me to say it and disregard the emotions of infertile couples, but ADOPT!!! Maybe you can become an "Adoption Warrior" and do some real good for kids that already exist? Just a thought...
^ Those pants are just obnoxiously strange.

Here are some other 'interesting' logos/phrases available for clothing:

  • Please alert me if parts fall out. I have endometriosis.
  • I had a Miscarriage and all I got was this lousy T-shirt!
  • Barren
  • Shhhh.... Guess What? Relaxing does not make a baby!
  • Please! Ask me about my Uterus!
  • Infertility hurts like no pain I've ever known, but thanks for bringing it up!
  • I'm an Infertile. Buy Me a Drink!
These phrases obviously show how some people deal with infertility with humor while others are clearly sick of hearing about it and buy a t-shirt to scream out their favorite phrases... Hmmmm, maybe we should do that for being child-free? ;) OH WAIT!!!!! Just type 'childfree' at the same website as above and feast your eyes!!!!

  • Smug Childfree Person
  • I took the battery out of my biological clock and put it in my vibrator.
  • Cats...not brats!
  • My cat/rat/dog/horse/snake is smarter than your honor student!
  • Your kids are the reason I don't have any.
  • If I wanted to hear the pitter-patter of little feet, I'd put shoes on my dog.
  • My Inner Child Does NOT need a Playmate. (I'm fine as I am, Thank you!)
  • OHMYGOD! I can't believe I forgot to have children!
  • Children are for people who can't have dogs/cats.
  • TGIC: Thank God I'm Childfree
  • Save the Planet! Use Birth Control!
  • Kids? No Way! I'm Having a Life Instead!
  • Children Aren't My Cup of Tea
  • For Novelty Use Only: Not Intended for Procreation
  • Childfree and Proud of It!
  • Non-Breeder
  • Why would I want kids? I'm ENJOYING my life!
  • I like the pitter patter of padded paws
  • Will Not Breed in Captivity
  • Make Love, Not Babies
  • If I want a Baby Inside Me, I'll Eat It  (anyone who knows me has heard me say this one!!)
  • Please Spay and Neuter your Humans because Overpopulation affects all of us
  • We had to get rid of the children - the cat/dog was allergic
  • Fixed
  • Having a Dog/Cat Completely Fulfills my need to be a "Mommy"/"Daddy" 
  • Attention! This villager is not responsible for your children!
  • End World Hunger: Use condoms.
  • You can have your "pitter patter" and I will sleep in!
  • You might want to get your precious little angels away from me before I stun-gun them!
  • Men with Vasectomies are really Hot!
  • Children aren't my cup of tea
  • My Ego has no need to replicate itself!
  • Thinker: Two Healthy Incomes, No Kids, Early Retirement
  • You Had Me at: I've Been Fixed
  • The next person to ask "so when are you having kids??" gets strangled by a tampon.
  • Adult on Board!
  • Child-free means free to be ME!
  • OMG! I forgot to have children... on purpose!
  • Child-free men Do It un-interrupted!
  • You have kids? Bummer, you were so cute too.
  • Don't Ask Me About My Kids (I don't have any and I don't plan to)
  • Last I checked, our family is complete
  • Want More Ass? Snip your Vas!
  • Blissfully Child-free by Choice!
  • I'll take barking dogs over screaming sprogs!
  • Thank you for not breeding
  • I'd rather have cancer than children    (woah)
  • Your kids were no trouble at all. I told them there was free candy about 6 blocks from here. Haven't seen them since!
  • Not Selfish Enough to Have Children
  • Me + Your Kids = Crime Scene
  • Do I look like someone who would baby-sit?
  • I don't live in your village. Raise your own damn kids!
  • I was not put on this earth to give you nieces, nephews or grandchildren.
  • Children: A Grave Social Disease
  • I am Childless! Therefore I don't care!
  • Choose Life! Don't Have Kids!
  • I don't have sex with breeders.
  • Grandchildren: It's What's for dinner.
  • I could give you grandchildren, but I'd have to steal someone else's.
  • Grandchildren means your child had SEX.
  • Grandchildren: less inheritance for me.
  • Grandchildren: you're not getting any from me.
  • I can't BEAR children.   ;) get it?
  • Honey, I don't hold anything under 21!
  • Sure you can bring your kids. Can I bring my stun-gun?
  • Child-free and lovin' it!
  • If you want Kids: Adopt! There's plenty for everyone!
  • The Planet is Breeding to Death
  • Parenthood is a Life Sentence without Parole
  • New Flash! Your screaming kids are NOT cute!
  • Does Not Enjoy Your Children
  • When You Stop Having Wars, I'll Start Having Children
  • No Semen Demons from this body ever!
  • I'm not pro-choice. I'm anti-baby!
  • Babies are for suckers.
  • I hate your screaming brats.
  • I abstained from parenthood.
  • Not Mommy Material 
  • Not Daddy Material
  • I Eat Babies
  • Born without Paternal Genes
  • Don't Have 'Em, Don't Want 'Em
  • Those who can, do. Those who can't, breed.
  • Office Baby Shower Fund? Only if Everyone gives to my new kitty shower fund.
  • Living the Vida D.I.N.K.
  • Leave a Legacy of Deeds, not Seeds
  • You Breed Them, You Feed Them
  • I Like Children. They taste like Chicken.
  • I tried to think of good reasons to have children but there weren't any.
  • Not Parent Material. Not Now, Not Ever
  • More time should be spent considering children than conceiving them.
  • Snipped & Fabulous
As if that wasn't enough... there are some that just have to be seen!!! Enjoy!

Enjoy your childfree day!!! ;)

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Stereotypes: Selfish and Indecisive

I had a much longer draft, but the save feature was broken. :( But that's okay, because this one turned out swell. I was going to do two articles but one will do for now. Enjoy!

"One woman's childfree facebook status ignites Facebook free-for-all"   Lilit Marcus writes about her situation when she posted she would be talking about her childfree choice on The Today Show. The link provided also includes the segment that aired.
     I was happy to see the segment that aired on national TV so the lifestyle gains exposure and hopefully more acceptance but it's also silly that we have to make a news clip to help some of the more obtuse breeders understand that not everyone wants to pop out babies. Do we need a segment to explain that not everyone wants to be doctors either? I can imagine some mothers watching the segment and exclaiming: 'Can you believe that some women don't actually want to be mothers? What's wrong with them?!' This often seems to be the mentality.
    Laura Scott, author of 'Two Is Enough: A Couple's Guide to Living Childless by Choice' was also featured during the Today Show segment and said that two of the stereotypes childfree people encounter is that they are selfish and they will change their mind. In her text, Lilit Marcus speculated what would happen if she were to tell a pregnant woman that she would change her mind a few years after having kids.
     It always astounds me when people suggest I will change my mind. As if I haven't had enough experiences with children to know what it entails or that some man will come sweep me off my feet and change my weak, feminine resolve. I am one of five children and many cousins. I was a babysitter, a camp counselor and I'm an aunt to three wonderful, amazing, vivacious boys.
     I think I'm pretty well aware that it takes oodles of time, money and energy to be a parent. I'm pretty sure I know my interest in the idea of motherhood and I can gauge my capacity for the position. Even though I know I'm capable of it, I don't want to be a mother. I don't want to climb Mt. Everest in the buff. I don't want to be a doctor. I don't want to want to be a police officer. I don't want to live in Alaska. I know myself better than anyone else so for people to suggest they know what I really want is ridiculous, absurd and rude.
     'You'll change your mind when you meet the right guy'. The right guy won't want children either. This is dating requirement #2 (attraction is obviously #1). Will you change your mind about marrying a drug-user when you meet one who is ever so swell? Probably not. Because hopefully that's part of your screening process in the early stages of the game. The desire to remain child-free is part of my requirements. If it's not met, well, sorry buddy.
     'It's selfish for you to not have kids'. This is one of the most ludicrous, insulting statements I've ever heard. I will never understand the logic behind this one because it is faulty. As one of the speakers in the Today Show segment said, having children is seen as a rite of passage and most people accept that without much question. They assume it's part and parcel to a happy life and can't comprehend a life without children. To me, these people must hold child-rearing in such high regard that it seems they almost believe it's the only pathway to a higher plane. They believe that if they don't sacrifice, they aren't a good person. Martyr syndrome, anyone?
     Does having children make you unselfish? I contest that it doesn't and many times makes people more selfish. People try to reason with me that if I don't have kids, there will be no one to take care of me in my old age. Now, isn't that selfish of them? They assume that their children will be there for them without even taking into account their children will be human beings that will have free will and their own desires and ambitions. Children grow into adults of free thought and individuality and there is no guarantee your children are going to like you or even stick around. To be morbid, there is no guarantee that your children will outlive you. No thank you. I don't think I will procreate in order to have people take care of me if and when I get old. I will let hired help take care of me. That's what I'll pay them for.
     Another somewhat-selfish attachment to breeding is wanting a piece of yourself and your spouse to be created and commemorated, to carry on some family blood line or some other such thing. Obviously, it's your right to have your own biological children but if you really love kids all that much and they're so precious and wonderful, why haven't you considered adoption? If there's so much love in your heart, why can't you extend it forward for children who already exist? Children who have been otherwise mistreated or abandoned? Or do you have some superiority complex that demands your bloodline is endangered or important? Although I don't fault people for having their own children if they are able, I find the stigma of biology rather silly. And could be considered borderline selfish, but Lord knows they don't want to be insulted the same way they insult child-free people with the word 'selfish'.
     Why is my choice to lead my life towards joy seen as selfish anyway? I try to be a good person and follow my hopes and dreams. But if I don't put those dreams aside, I'm somehow selfish? There is seriously no other way I can redeem myself if I don't have kids? I don't find this to make a smidgen of sense. I want to be happy. If I know that having children is outside my desires, why is it selfish of me to NOT bring children into this world? I don't want to harbor feelings against children for ME not accomplishing my goals. So I'm going to work on accomplishing my goals. Why is it any concern to anyone else?
     In an effort to show how judgmental these people are, I will admit, that for the past couple years, I've been using some of my free time (childfree time) to volunteer with special needs youth. Does that make me selfish? Think back to when you were expecting. Didn't you secretly hope you wouldn't have a disabled child? Of course we are humans and of course we are selfish. It's part of self-preservation. You're not going to wish to purposely have a disabled child because it is a lifetime of extra time, money and energy. If it happens, I wish you the strength, energy, resources and openness to accepting this challenge and opening your heart to it. These families astound me and I pray they have joy and strength. I'm writing this, not to applaud myself for my good deed but as an example to people who think childfree people are selfish. With the time we have not raising children, some of us make an effort to help those of you who do. Childfree people are capable of so much that still brings us joy and happiness and helps us find our fulfilled life. Just because I choose a different lifestyle than you does not make me selfish and you not. Nor does it make you selfish and me unselfish. We are human beings working towards joy and happiness. That is what is important.
     So tell me again, do I know myself well enough to make my own life choices? Does the decision to not procreate make me categorizable into a stereotype? Or are we capable of so much more than these misunderstandings and labels?

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Rants, Raves and a Book Review

My last post was intellectual for the fact that I reviewed different mediums in relation to being childfree/IOD (Independent of Dependents). This post will be a little more free-flow thought and was written over a period of two days... hence the length ;)

Rant #1: Some parents have nothing else on their mind but their children and this is NOT an interesting topic most of the time. Case in point: I recently was witness to two mothers beaming to each other about their children. One dominated the conversation with stories about her children, while one of them tugged on her arm, begging to go home. So the mother ignored the kid's needs (wants) because she was too busy talking about the kid. HA! Now, the other mother was very happy to bond over mom stuff and how precious the kids are. I'm glad that they were both into the conversation, but the mother with kids never stopped talking about her kids in the several days I was around her. I know that parents are capable of talking about other things besides their kids.... right? Sometimes it doesn't seem like it. I mean the lady was nice and her kids were well behaved and sure, we ALL have dominated a conversation with something that the listener doesn't care to hear. (Half the time because they are too busy thinking about what they want to say.) But with many parents, they only converse about their kids. And it's pretty boring for the rest of us. If you aren't a close personal friend of mine, I probably don't care about your kids. Especially if you're a coworker who ONLY ever talks to me about your offspring. I have three nephews, and I will often talk about them to relate to people who can't seem to find any other topics. Honestly, I'd almost rather make idle chat about the weather, because once the convo is done, it's done. You're not going to talk about different weather patterns of the past 13 years, but you might talk about many stories involving your 13 year old child. Can almost guarantee I'll want to run away screaming before you get to the second mini-story. If you don't want to hear about my multiple vacations, don't tell me about your kids. You have your interests, I have mine. Let's meet in the middleground. "Sure is hot today!" "Yup, it sure is."

Rant #2: When I posted about this blog on my facebook page, an individual who has an inflated esteem of his knowledge felt inclined to post something along these lines: 'I don't have any moral stance on having kids or not, but people who don't have kids shouldn't get as many Social Security and Medicare benefits because they didn't have kids to replace them to pay into the system'. Le sigh. This individual is a political blogger and this is the best he can do?! I have had several frustrating situations where this chap feels the need to show off but is tactless and egotistical. So I have to control myself to pretend he didn't write anything, knowing that he won't stop trying to make others look bad.
     Recently, I brought this chap's comment up to a coworker who was a poly sci major and he pointed out a flaw I didn't even think of: It's irrelevant if a person had kids; if they still worked and paid into the SS and Medicare systems, they are entitled to the benefits.
     My thoughts on the chap's ill-informed comment were as such: (1) Governments should neither punish nor reward procreation. (2) If the government is so worried about allocation of funds for SS and Medicare, maybe they should stop giving tax breaks to people for having kids and use THAT money for the retirment programs. (3) Why can't I get a tax break for not causing the government systems as much strain as it takes to raise children?
     Obviously, the role of procreation in politics is a very large topic with which I don't have much experience. I'm not going in depth on the issue, but to say that there is a very large bias in politics and communities towards children-based families.

Rave #1: While trying to search for books in my local library's catalogs, I found that the keyword 'childfree' produced no results. So for half a moment, I thought that the library didn't have any books on the topic, until I discovered the keyword on file was 'childless'. I found a few books that I wanted to check out and also made several requests for future library purchases to enhance the selection. A library employee got back to me and told me what books to expect. I hinted to her at the possibility of adding 'childfree' to the keyword batch since it is more accepted. AND.... She did! She wrote back and thanked me for the idea and said 'childfree' was a keyword now, alongside the Library of Congress' suggested 'childless'. So, hooray for the people at the library!

Rave #2: I've been under the impression for the 8 years that I've know I don't want kids that health care providers will not take seriously people of my age who would like anti-procreation procedures (i.e. vasectomies and tubal ligations). But after reading the book I review below and reading an essay of one male of a young age who got a vasectomy, and talking with a friend who told me doctors WILL consider it, I decided to ask my 'lady-parts' doctor. She was way more open than I expected and suggested looking into IUD's instead as insurance would probably cover it and cost less than a tubal. She also thought it was hilarious that I have a blog called IOD ;) It must be fate! I figure, why should I live in fear of pregnancy when it's my body? So I will be reading up on the options for sure. :) What I'm raving about: finding a doctor who doesn't think I'm crazy. She said for the longest time she and her husband didn't have kids, till one drunken night. ;0) She said she knows she would have had a fulfilled lifestyle without kids as well. So I'm glad that there are health care providers out there who don't need me to lay out a dissertation on my reasoning. (Side bar: I would love if more people just accepted that my choice is MY choice and don't try to convince me to think like them. Do you ever wonder if people try to talk you into kids as a means of justifying their kids to themselves?) But thank the stars for a person who doesn't think I'm crazy. Sure, they get money from either option I choose, but I could tell she was a good person trying to help. And I'm glad for that!

Review: Nobody's Father: Life Without Kids

Nobody's Father: Life Without Kids [Paperback] Lynne Van Luven (Editor), Bruce Gillespie (Editor)

This book is a collection of essays written by Canadian-based men who are 'Nobody's Father'. It is a followup to Nobody's Mother: Life Without Kids [Paperback] Lynne Van Luven (Editor), which I'm itching to get my hands on.
     "Nobody's Father" was a great read for me as it was the story at the other end of the table. It was great to read about the variety of men and how they came to be childfree, or as in one man's case, 'childless' to the very core. There were stories of straight, gay, transgendered men; some never tried to have children, some had near misses, and the second to last entry is a man who lost his 16 year old son to cancer and then became 'Nobody's Father'. I was reading that essay (and the others) on a plane and was not very successful in holding back tears. Some of the stories made me laugh, most made me think and all made me understand.
      Some of my favorite excerpts:

"Although I was driven to create, I never considered that the act of creating a new human life would meet my needs. I knew good parenting demands a time commitment. You have to accept the possibility of sacrificing your own dreams to prepare the next generation for their dreams. I pictured a never-ending circle where unfulfilled dreams are passed on to the next generation for them to achieve." Gord More writes in "The Creative Road":p 52
The above quote speaks to me as a creative person... I know I have so much to do in my life, and I'm not willing to put it aside. I want to create and travel probably as deep as some women want to be mothers. We both have the right to do this. I really liked how Gord More described the fun creative projects he and his wife would do with kids. You don't have to be a parent to make a difference in the life of a child!

"To say, I'm never having children"is one of those audacious, understandably rash statements people expect you to make when you're young, but never take seriously. I don't say those words too often, because they inevitably lead to being confronted with the reductive "Why?" Like all things that have become a part of who you are, your reasoning can be difficult to isolate and examine, let alone explain with any clarity." Aaron Shepard writes in "At the Edge of the Herd" page 128
The above quote is my greatest frustration. No one ever questions someone on why they want to have kids, but if you speak the opposite, it's nearly treason. And the person who questions you doesn't actually want to understand, a good portion of the time. For those that do, well, this doesn't apply. There are some people who ask who do have a genuine interest, but the others are only interested in themselves and don't try to fathom others.
"At worse, all I've accomplished by remaining childless is avoiding those great unknowns within the self, things you can only learn by raising children." Aaron Shepard writes in "At the Edge of the Herd" p 132.
Of course there are things I won't experience by not being a parent, but there are things that parents don't experience b/c they have children. That's just the world we live in. Every choice takes you somewhere new and you may not always go back.
"Never mind tallying up the gains and losses: I don't feel compelled to be a parent. It's neither my loss nor my gain. It's my identity." Aaron Shepard writes in "At the Edge of the Herd" p 134.
One, I love that his last name ties in with the title of his essay and Two, I love the simplicity of the statement. It's one of those, 'I know both sides of the issue and it's my choice' type things.
"Not placing another life on the planet should be seen as a virtue equal to the urge to perpetuate the species."  John Barton writes in "Adding Nothing to the Flow: Greening the Pregnant Man" p. 145
Obviously we childfree/IOD aren't looking for a pat on the back or a party, but really we should get one! You have baby showers and get gifts. I want presents and recognition too! In fact I can almost guarantee that I will have to arrange a "no-baby" shower for myself sometime in the future, where I will get baby bottles of booze and money for traveling and other some such things. That will be fun to plan AND to attend!

    John Lent writes in "Navigating the River of No Return" about how it wasn't safe for his wife to have children so they were without children. A situation in which someone he admired said:
"'You know John, ... I have come to know for a fact that you are never completely human if you do not have children.' ... At the time, I remember simply taking in his comment quietly, but over the years, especially when things got tough for Jude and me, I would get angry remembering this exchange, and I would imagine, pointlessly, telling my friend that he was full of shit: that you couldn't make such a ridiculous statement, that it was groundless and, in some ways, idiotic as well as self-serving. But there you go. My silence was part of what always happened back then, and still does in many ways when the matter of children comes up. No matter what patronizing lip service is paid to the other camp now, yu're still in the minorty when you either don't have children or decide not to have them, and you'd be crossing a sacrosanct line if you tried to break out of it. You'd be attacking the one thing that  can't  be attacked in this culture: creating the conventional bloodline family. Not only that, you are also an incomplete human being to boot." John Lent in "Navigating the River of No Return" pp 150-151.
A-freaking-men. Honestly, many times I am sick of having to preface my lifestyle/decision by "I like kids" so that people won't think I'm a monster. And I don't like having to pretend to like other people's kids. And I don't like having to basically worship other people and commend them for the 'sacrifices' they've made. Why do I have to make so many allowances towards families when no one makes allowances for the childfree? I'm never going to get maternity leave or any other benefits that families can get.
     Most people in most cultures just assume that everyone is supposed to have kids and think there must be something wrong with the people who don't. I have to bend over backwards in many conversations to put parents at ease so they don't think of me as a heartless freak. I shouldn't care what they think of me, but since there are fewer IOD/childfree people, I'm an unofficial ambassador. I have to put parents at ease for the sake of childfree members of humanity. Look at me and the sacrifices I'm making! haha Just playing. But really, people assume things that makes them look stupid. This past week, I was standing next to a 36 year old woman and someone asked if she was my mother. (I'm 26, but look 12). And likewise the 36 year old woman was standing next to a 50 something woman and someone asked if SHE was HER mother. And how many times my nephews have been assumed to be my sons? For Chripe's sake people! Stop assuming that there must be a child/parent relationship with everyone you see!!! (Also annoying is when siblings get mistaken for partners. Ew. Just ew.) When you ASSUME... you make an ass out of u and me... but just mostly of yourself ;)
    So basically what that excerpt exemplifies is that childfree people are usually looked down upon or pitied. But really the childfree pity (and get annoyed by) those ignorant fools who can't fathom that happiness can exist outside of a procreative life. Odd realization.... childfree people are usually tagged as SELFISH for wanting to control their time and money, but I usually find parents think the world revolves around them and their children. I could go on and on about the allowances that people expect for them and their kids, but that makes me seem bitter. Even if I am.... I have more excerpts! Onward!

     John Lent also writes of a funny moment in which he took a couple of pictures of his wife toweling off their dog. In the first picture, it looked like a beaming mother with a babe in swaddling clothes. In the second picture, the reveal of the dog. Lent writes:
"And I thought, great, let's send these out [for Christmas cards] with caption: mother and chlid both well, considering. At least we got a laugh out of it. But, no, we never sent it. We never sent it because we would be reminding the people close to us that we sometimes felt their awkwardness about our childlessness rather ridiculous, even patronizing. We wanted them to understand our lives the way we understood them. but you can't have everything; you can't change everything." John Lent in "Navigating the River of No Return" p. 154.
Sometimes people just don't get it. My aunt, into her 40s, was talking to someone who was befuddled by the fact that she and her husband don't have kids. Here's a mock-up of the convo: 'Oh, don't worry, you'll have kids someday.' 'Uh, no we won't.' Then the question, 'What do you even do with your time if you don't have kids?' 'Lets see, I work, travel, exercise, live an awesome life. Oh and I can afford to buy a BMW'. Why is it so impossible for people to fathom an alternative to their life??! Half the time, I think people have kids, not only because it's been drilled into them, but for the fear of 'what do you do with the 60 years of life after age 20?' They need a way to pass time, and kids are definitely a way to do that. Just watch the years fly by! From diapers to diplomas in no time! Thanks, but no thanks. I have a few ideas of how to spend the years after 20 and beyond...and they involve a passport, a camera, and not a small amount of rum ;)

"I have a strong suspicion , however, that whatever primal instincts each of us has to nurture, protect and love surface naturally in our lives, with or without children, so that the emptiness referred to above is filled in natural ways that are not substitutions, but simply the body fulfilling itself... Childlessness does not contain a condition of unfulfilled love, or loneliness, or emptiness internally, but these effects can be manufactured externally by the influences around us, people and culture, and, as a result, childless people have to be very wise. They are at risk if they do not mull these things over and see past them." John Lent writes in "Navigating the River of No Return" p. 155
In life, people try to break others down to build themselves up, whether knowlingly or unknowingly. You have to be strong and know who you are and what you want and not be swayed by others. I'm sure there are plenty of people out there who didn't choose to be parents, but drifted into it. All fathers, for instance. JUST KIDDING! But living in the idea that having kids will somehow fulfill you as a person is false, just as is false the idea that you will be happy after you find 'the right person'. You have to be happy with yourself, by yourself, to know your strengths and shortcomings because life isn't a fairy tale, but it can get close sometimes if you have a healthy hold on reality. Don't let anyone force you into thinking, feeling or doing something that doesn't vibe with who you are. But first, take the time to know yourself. Then you can be at peace with whatever comes your way.

     Jack Hughes writes in "Unexamined" of seeing the film 'Joshua' in which parents of a 10 year old become the parents of a monster when their kid rebels against them having a new baby. Hughes says it's not a horror flick, but the reality of it scary:
"Everyone knows you can't control your kids, and I wouldn't want to, but I can't imagine ceding so much dominion over myself. I don't want to have to worry about being hated or ignored or squeezed for money or to suffer whatever other child-generated squalls might blow across my future. I suppose there'd be offets, that depsite it all, I'd love them, but I don't feel deprived of love now." Jack Hughes writes in 'Unexamined' p 159-160.
I feel that many people gloss over the bad parts of raising children. I know many people who say they want kids might carry a very romanticized idea of children with them. I'm no fool. I've had nephews since before I started high school. In fact, it'll be 12 years now at the end of the month, when my oldest nephew turns 12!! I've mentioned before that I love being 'the fun aunt', but I've even had to break that self-designated role and yell like a parent to get their attention one day when they were far out of control. I could tell the oldest recognized and he immediately changed his behavior for the better. I think it scared him to see that side of me, but such is life. Children are NOT stress-free. They will test you beyond your limits. Likewise, that same older nephew saw me taking care of his little brother when he had a bad reaction to food while with me for an overnight. Observing my caretaking and coddling, my oldest nephew said, with a funny look on his face, "It's weird. You're acting like a mom." HA! I've always known that I would make a good mom, but the thing is, I can be a better aunt. I'm not a fool. I know that children are a commitment that I don't have to make. I don't have to buy a house either. I don't have to do many things that other people expect me to do. I just need to be in touch enough with reality and what works for me.

     In "Everyone's Uncle", Don W. Maybin, a gay man in his 50's, writes:
"In recent years, the gay community has been demanding the right to adopt. I support this demand totally. There are so many unfortunate children who need a caring home, a chance for a better life. Heterosexual fundamentalists of any stripe do not have a monopoly on love, and I believe adoption by gay couples is a wonderful thing."  p 226
"I know I could do a better job than those of my acquaintances who live vicariously through their children, loading beliefs, desired abilities and lifelong ambitions onto the back of a stressed-out son or daughter....Sometimes I watch as a spoiled brat screams in front of a toy counter or vending machine, demanding whatever is on display, while a frazzled parent pleads with the child to behave, secretly wanting to spank the miniature monster but knowing the world is watching. And I think, "Thank God I never had one of those!" But then something from a deeper place wants to grab the tyrannical tot, hug him or her close and say, "Who needs that silly stuff? I love you, and I will give you the best thing in the world, my heart with millions of ribbons attached." And I would. I have tied emotional strings around many loved ones, but there are still plenty left, enough to weave a rope around a child's heart and my own"  Don W. Maybin, "Everyone's Uncle" p 230.
How absolutely beautiful, Don's sentiment. Being 'Everyone's Uncle' is just as important a role as being 'someone's parent'. There exists the capability to love within every person. I'm obviously biased towards justice and equality, but I can't read that and say that non-hetero couples don't deserve the right to nurture children. The government doesn't say that gay people with children from hetero relationships can't raise their own children, so why can't they raise other people's children? Adoption is a loving option and I would love to hear that the government would allow for those with an open home and an open heart could bring children into it, without stipulation that the potential parent fit the hetero mold. Love is love is love is love. And it needs to be shared, so it can bloom for all.

     I'll close my very very very long blog entry with something that touched me. This weekend, I was witness to a beautiful wedding in New Mexico between two beautiful people. The groom was 38 and his special guest to the wedding was an 89 year old man who had become his Big Brother, through the program of that name, when the groom was 12. That means Big Brother was in his 60s when he befriended the young boy through the program after his own kids were grown up. You could tell that Big Bro had a substantial part in Little Bro's development as a person. Big Bro took Little Bro fishing and hunting and what have you. And Little Bro wanted Big Bro at his wedding 20 some years later. The day after the wedding, Little Bro took Big Bro for a drive in New Mexico so they could look for wildlife as they used to do in younger days. It really touches me to have witnessed this relationship. It speaks to the core of our nature as humans, that we all just really need love and we don't need to be related to share something special with another person. So let us be the forever aunts and uncles that can still live the lives of our choosing and share our abundant love. There is more than one way to care for a person and I'm glad to prove it! ;)
Peace Peace Peace and Love Love Love to You and Your Loved Ones! :)